Category: Consulting and Professional Services

An Approach paper by CEPEX Center for Excellence in Project Execution, looks into how Alberta, Canada can catch the 'wave' of petrochemicals projects similar to the US, by examining the various strengths, challenges and finally a call to action for stakeholders to proceed systematically towards achieving the desired goal.

CEPEX Canada introduced to industry the innovative concept called Holistic Upfront Project Planning (HUPP©) — a game-changing paradigm that helps find the most optimal project execution strategy and project cost, and at the same time fosters operational excellence (OE) through the SOF team approach
The Center for Excellence in Project Execution (CEPEX) has come up with a review process called Holistic Upfront Project Planning (HUPP), which transforms the way the oil and gas companies have been planning, reviewing and assessing their new projects.
Innovation - a much talked out but often misunderstood concept - is analyzed from the perspective of Energy industry in North America by the Center for Excellence in Project Execution (CEPEX)